Ready, Set READ! The LFJCC Adult Summer Reading Program Returns

LFJCC contributor
3 min readMay 16, 2022

By Lauren Luedtke

Cool Summer Reading Memories

For many of us, summertime includes fond memories of being a kid seeking comfort in a cool local library on a hot summer day and checking out another book in the hopes of getting a little closer to the coveted prizes offered through the annual summer reading program. For those whose local library or school didn’t offer such incentives, there was still the pleasure of reading for its own sake as a whole universe of characters and stories would unfold in the pages found in every new book. The JCC is pleased to bring back those fond summer memories with its Adult Summer Reading Program.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

When it comes to the value of summer reading programs, the proof is in the numbers. According to the California Library Association, in 2021 over 348,800 Californians registered for summer reading/learning/exploration programs. This number covers all ages ranging from children to teens to adults, but nonetheless demonstrates the emphasis our own California community puts on reading. And while adult summer reading programs have become more common in the public library system over the years, many have yet to develop a program with the same level of engagement found in programs geared towards children and teens. The goal for creating the LFJCC Adult Summer Reading program was specifically to create an opportunity to build community through a shared love of reading.

The Adult Summer Program is Launched

Last year the JCC launched its first-ever LFJCC Adult Summer Reading program, welcoming bookworms from all stretches of our community to share their love of reading, connect with one another, and engage in some friendly competition, all the while earning some sweet LFJCC swag. Over the course of last year’s pandemic summer, the JCC learned just how significant a program like this is to the San Diego adult community, some of whom had not yet engaged with Jewish literature in this kind of way. One program participant shared, “I love how this program exposed me to Jewish texts and authors I never knew existed. It really pushed me out of my comfort zone.”

Exciting Developments

This summer, the reading program returns for year two with several exciting new developments. For this year’s program, the J will be starting a summer book club, helping all participants get closer to completing their summer reading goals and claiming their well-deserved prizes, such as LFJCC-branded goodies, book-inspired gifts, and experiences to be enjoyed all year long at the J. Also sprinkled throughout the summer, Open Mic Nights will be introduced for the community to come together to share their poems, essays, and stories with their fellow bibliophiles during an evening of love of the written word. All of this will culminate with the ultimate celebration of reading: the JCC Book Festival! The festival will feature author talks, panels, and book-oriented programming, celebrating November’s Jewish Book Month.

Director of Cultural Arts, Ryan Isaac says “We invite everyone to take a journey with us to enjoy that special feeling of exploring the depths of books, connecting with friends over shared novels, and winning some great prizes along the way.”

To get the latest information about the LFJCC Summer Reading Program, visit

